2023 受難日敬拜聚會

This weekend is Good Friday / Resurrection Sunday, and we look forward to reflecting on the precious message of the gospel with you all.

Friday night dinner begins at 6:30, gathering begins at 7:15, and you’re welcome to invite others.


2023 受難日敬拜聚會流程

詩歌:“看哪!何等奇妙奧秘 ”
經文:馬可福音 14:32-52(領讀)
經文:馬可福音 14:53-72(領讀)
詩歌: “痛哉!主竟流血 ”
經文:馬可福音 15:1-41(領讀)
詩歌:“十字架的大能 ”
經文:馬可福音 15:42-16:8(領讀)
詩歌:“復活得勝主 ”
經文:腓立比書 3:7-11(齊讀)
詩歌:“義袍屬我 ”
經文:腓立比書 3:20-21(齊讀)
詩歌:“榮耀全歸基督 ”
經文:腓立比書 2:6-11(齊讀)
詩歌:“讚美救主 ”

2023 Good Friday Worship Gathering

Hymn: “Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery”
Scriptures Reading: Mark 14:32-52 (Minister Bo)
Hymn: “Lead Me to Calvary”
Scriptures Reading: Mark 14: 53-72 (Minister Bo)
Hymn: “Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?”
Scriptures Reading: Mark 15:1-41 (Minister Bo)
Hymn: “The Power of the Cross”
Scriptures Reading: Mark 15:42-16:8 (Minister Bo)
Hymn: “Thine Is the Glory”
Scriptures Reading: Philippians 3:7-11 (Congregation)
Hymn: “His Robes for Mine”
Scriptures Reading: Philippians 3:20-21 (Congregation)
Hymn: “All Glory Be to Christ”
Scriptures Reading: Philippians 2:6-11 (Congregation)
Hymn: “Praise Him! Praise Him!”

週日Jerry Marshall牧師將為我們從帖撒羅尼迦前書4:13-18中傳講基督徒的永恆盼望。請提前閱讀,預備自己的心。
For Sunday, pastor Jerry Marshall will preach on the eternal hope of Christians from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Please read it ahead to prepare your heart.