“Pride, the Mother of Hell.” — John Chrysostom
10 Signs of Spiritual Pride (Jonathan Edwards)
1. Speaks of others sins with bitterness, levity, or contempt rather than with grief or pity. 用苦毒、轻蔑和鄙视而不是忧伤和怜悯的态度来谈别人的罪。
2. Suspects others rather than one’s self. 猜疑别人,却不怀疑自己。
3. Sharply critical of others. 尖刻地挑别人的错。
4. A singular affected demeanor. 故意与众不同的举止。
5. A certain stiffness and inflexibility in judgment. 在判断上有僵化和不变通的倾向。
6. A show of superior separation. 为显出高人一等故意与人分别。
7. Takes great notice of opposition or injuries suffered with an air of bitterness or contempt. 以苦毒或轻蔑的态度,非常在意遭受的反对或伤害。
8. A certain inappropriate and self-confident boldness before God and men. 在神和人面前有着不恰当的和自信满满的大胆。
9. Assuming false authority. 以自己并不具有的权柄自居、待人处事。
10. Treats others with neglect or disdain. 以忽视和轻蔑来对待他人。
Signs of Humility (Thomas Watson)
1. Empty of swelling thoughts of himself. 没有自我膨胀的想法。
2. Thinks better of others than one’s self. 看别人比自己强。
3. A low esteem of one’s duties. 不过于高看自己的职责。
4. A humble man will justify God in affliction. 谦卑的人在苦难中相信神的公义。
5. Magnifies Christ. 放大基督。
6. A humble man is willing to take reproof for sin. 谦卑的人乐意接受对他罪的责罚。
7. A humble man is willing to have his name and gifts eclipsed for God’s glory to increase. 谦卑的人乐意为了显大神的荣耀而隐藏自己的名声和恩赐。
8. A humble man likes that condition which God sees best for him. 谦卑的人喜欢神认为对他最好的境况。
9. A humble man will stoop to the lowest person or office. 谦卑的人俯就最底层的人或职分。
Steps to Humility:
1. Set Christ as a pattern before us. 以基督为我们的榜样。
2. Study God’s immensity, purity and glory. 学习明白神的伟大、纯洁和荣耀。
3. Study ourselves (our own sinfulness and our own mortality.) 认识我们自己(我们自己的罪和我们必死的事实)。
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